11th Sino-Germany Symposium of Applied Higher Education Held in HFU


    Co-organized by Hefei University and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, the 11th Sino-Germany Symposium of Applied Higher Education kicks off in HFU on October 25th, co-sponsored by Anhui Provincial Department of Education and the Science and Culture Ministry of Lower Saxony.

    The Sino-Germany Symposium of Applied Higher Education, first launched in 2008, has now grown up into an influential international cooperation platform for higher education in the past 10 years. On this symposium, Mr. Christian Wulff, former President of Germany and president of Global Alliance of SMEs as well, and Mr. Shi Mingde, Chinese Ambassador to Germany, have both sent their congratulation letters.Within the duration of one day and a half, about 500 attendeesfrom15Germanyuniversities and institutions as well as enterprises, and 137universities and institutions at home, are to communicate on such issues as industry-education integration, dual-system higher education, university-enterprise co-cultivation, as well as science innovation of applied colleges and universities.

    On behalf of the Minister of Science and Culture Ministryof Lower Saxony, Dr. Stephan Venzke claims in his speech that Germany has attached great importance to the educational cooperation with China in the past 30 years since the beginning of Anhui and Lower Saxony’s partnership from 1984; the applied universities in Lower Saxony, which emphasize not only applied teaching but also students’ creativity and innovation, have implemented two major measures, namely, promoting their schooling qualities and students’ recruitment, and strengthening their infrastructureconstruction; currently, many overseas students from China in Lower Saxony, have excellentacademic performances. In this case, Dr. Venzke hopes that both sides could further the cooperation in higher education.

    HFU President Mr. Wang Qidong then states that by fully deepening the reforms in teaching mode and cultivation system, HFU has gained a high reputation and improved its schooling quality dramatically. He also believes that the new concepts and models proposed by the experts and scholars in this symposium would inspire further cooperation between both sides.

    The Sino-Germany cooperation and exchange in higher educationresults in practical achievements. Now 51 undergraduate (or above) programs and 9 institutions have been approved by the Ministry of Education of PRC as parts of Sino-Germany schooling cooperation projects, among which, the Logistic Management Program co-set by Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and HFU can be referred as a model. Furthermore, the Declaration of Joint Intention on Further Cooperation in Higher and Vocational Education signed by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and German Chancellor Merkel also bestows the cooperation orientation aforementioned.

    Influential media and news agencies such as Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua net, People’s Daily Online, Anhui Television, Anhui Daily Newspaper, Anhui Education Website, Hefei Television and so on all give live coverage of it .