Delegation of Galilee College Visit HFU


On December 12, HFU president Mr.Wang Qidong meets delegation of Galilee College (Israel) led by its president Mr.Shimon Gepstein, who exchange views especially on their talent training modes, and specialties setup.

    At the beginning of the meeting, Mr.Itzhak Levitt, CEO of Israeli CDI Systems Ltd., briefly introduces his company, looking forward to a further cooperation with HFU in the field of digital publishing. Mr.Shimon Gepstein introduces their achievements as well as their school-running orientation, educational goal, and specialties setup. He remarks that Galilee College also consists of departments of engineering and humanities and social sciences, hoping to cooperate with HFU injoint master-degree program of environmental engineering and hotel management.

    President Wang Qidongintroduces HFUs history and development, remarking the leading disciplines as well asourcharacteristics of locality, application and internationalization.” He affirms that both share the common sense in talent training and school-running concepts, which can bring the promising cooperation.

    After the meeting, two parties sign a cooperation agreement, after which Mr. Shimon Gepstein gives a lecture for bio-tech faculty and students on Significance of Israels Innovation in Solving the Global Food, Water and Energy Crisis.