HFU Wins Two Awards in Korean Contests


Two students from HFU, Liang Shuangning and Zhu Peiling win the first and second prize respectively in the Korean Writing Contest(for overseas students) and the GBS Business Speaking Contest held in Soon Chun Hyang University(Korea, November, 2017).

  The Korean Writing Contest is a contest designed for students from foreign countries studying in Korea while the GBS Business Speech Contest involves all college students in Korea without nationality or grade restrictions.

        Liang Shuangning and Zhu Peiling majoring in “Korean(2+2)” in the Department of Foreign Languages are from the Sino-Korea jointly program of HFU with “dual-college-dual-phase-dual-degree” as its talent cultivation mode. This program aims to prepare students  for jobs of Chinese-Korean translation or interpretation, international trade, secretary, and tourism, and Korean language teaching.